With the improvement of our living standards, the prevalence of dental caries in young children is gradually increasing, and it has been listed by the World Health Organization as one of the three major diseases to be prevented in the world.Why are children so vulnerable to tooth decay?The incidence of tooth decay has a certain relationship with age. From one or two years old, the child's deciduous molars have already slowly grown, and the deciduous molars are used every day when biting ingredients. The newly grown deciduous molars and young new teeth have the characteristics of deep and narrow pits and fissures on the occlusal surface of the teeth, which can cause food to stay; the appearance and physiological gaps of deciduous teeth are also easy to hold food, resulting in unclean areas. . In addition, the thickness of deciduous teeth and young teeth is very low, and the acid-suppressing ability is weak; while children's nutrition is more commonly found in food materials with high soft plastic sugar, strong consistency, easy to produce alcohol and acid, and stick to the tooth surface and teeth The pits and fissures on the occlusal surface are not easy to clear. At the same time, because of their young age, many children do not brush their teeth at night or do not brush their teeth well. In addition, they sleep for a long time, and the saliva secretion decreases during sleep quality, resulting in a weaker cleaning ability. 

The above characteristics are all for the growth of bacteria. Development brings resource advantages, which in turn increase the chance of caries.Pit and fissure sealing in children is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay.Tooth decay not only harms the occlusion, but also harms the appearance and appearance, and can cause periodontitis, root inflammation and even become diseases, endangering physical and mental health. The best preventive measure is to take the child to the hospital for preventive treatment of children's pit and fissure sealing caries. Children's pit and fissure sealing is very important for the protection of "six-year-old teeth". The sixth-year-old tooth is a permanent molar tooth that emerges around the final front and back of the deciduous molars around the age of a child. This deciduous tooth will not be replaced after the replacement of the deciduous tooth. It has a particularly important effect on the occlusion of the permanent dentition. Because of the early growth time, many parents mistakenly think that they are deciduous teeth and ignore them; coupled with the deep pits and fissures on the occlusal surface of their teeth, it is very easy to produce caries. "Six-year-old teeth" are the most prone to deep caries within a year after they grow. Director Wang suggested that the sooner the children's pits and fissures are closed, the better. When the child is 10 years old, parents should take the baby to a reliable dental hospital for inspection. , it is clear whether it should be done in children's pit and fissure sealing. If the "children's pit and fissure sealing" is done within one year after the children's molars grow (the first permanent molars grow around the age of 2 and the second permanent molars grow around the age), the actual effect of preventing dental caries is the best. If carious lesions have occurred, "children's pit and fissure sealing" is meaningless, and filling treatment is necessary at this time.

Children's pits and fissures are closed, and the public's understanding still needs to be improved.With the improvement of our living standards, many people have long cared about and attached great importance to dental health. Pit and fissure sealing in children can effectively prevent tooth decay, which is extremely important for preventing tooth decay in young children. Although some parents will actively take their children to the outpatient clinic of a technical professional hospital for inspection on time, and can understand the necessity of performing pit and fissure sealing for their children as soon as possible, many parents do not know what is a children's pit and fissure sealing, and how to do it or not. The adverse effects of pit and fissure sealing in children are likely to cause dental caries at the same time. Director Wang introduced in detail that most parents only bring preschool children to carry out pit and fissure sealing on six-year-old teeth, and very few people realize that it is necessary to maintain deciduous teeth. In fact, whether it is a deciduous tooth or a new tooth, dentist in hong kong out pit and fissure sealing in children who have the conditions. At the age of three or four, a child's pit and fissure sealing is performed to solve the child's deciduous molars; after the first permanent molar replacement of the deciduous teeth at the age of six, it is done again; at the age of twelve, the newly grown permanent molars are done again. Director Wang reminded that after the pit and fissure sealing of children, they should go to a large hospital for a follow-up visit every year. In addition, it is suggested that parents should still supervise their children to do the following: brush teeth sooner or later, carry out oral health care on time, and eat less desserts and sugary drinks.Professional knowledge of children's pit and fissure sealing,What is Pit and Fissure Sealing in Children? 

Pit and fissure sealing means that the occlusal surface of the teeth is not damaged. After cleaning, a layer of adhesive epoxy resin is applied to the closed pit and fissure to create a defensive natural barrier to prevent bacteria and food residues from entering the socket. At the same time, the original bacteria in the pit and fissure will slowly die due to the determination of nutritional components, and the enamel will not be corroded by bacteria and residual materials, improve the ability of teeth to resist caries, and prevent the occurrence of pit and fissure caries. To stop the development trend of initial caries lesions, and then achieve the purpose of preventing caries.Is the pit and fissure sealing in children painful? There is no pain in children's pit and fissure sealing. When children's pit and fissure is sealed, use a small soft brush like a sonic electric toothbrush to clean the tooth surface.Will there be tooth decay after the children's pit and fissure sealing? It is generally not easy, because the caries of young children occurs in the pit and fissure, if this position is prevented, it is basically impossible to occur. However, because of the cooperation between children and children, whether there is pollution of the saliva source in the operation process, there will be very few cases of falling off. Therefore, children should be followed up within more than half a year after the pit and fissures are closed. After that, they should be checked once a year. If it falls off, it must be done again.