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Оказывается, витамин С настолько силен, но, к сожалению, многие люди используют его неправильно.


Если мы испытываем дефицит витаминов, это принесет больше вреда нашему организму. Многие люди не знают, как устранить симптомы нехватки витаминов и защитить наше тело, потому что витамин С так велик, но многие используют его неправильно, как же правильно использовать витамин С?

1. предотвратить повреждение клеток

Витамин С помогает предотвратить химическое повреждение клеток организма и ДНК. Он является антиоксидантом: нейтрализует "свободные радикалы", которые приносят в организм загрязнение окружающей среды,天然萃取維他命C推薦 сигаретный дым, солнечный свет и радиация. Он также преобразует пищу в энергию. Это позволяет поддерживать нормальное функционирование всех органов и частей тела в течение длительного времени и снижает риск развития таких заболеваний, как болезнь Альцгеймера и рак.

2. строит кожу, кости, мышцы и другие ткани

Знаете ли вы. Строительные леса", на которых держатся наши кости, хрящи, кожа, мышцы и сердце, состоят из переплетенных коллагеновых волокон, которые поддерживают связки, сухожилия и кровеносные сосуды.天然萃取維他命C推薦 Если бы в нашем теле не было коллагена, оно бы развалилось на части. Новой коже нужен коллаген, ранам - коллаген для формирования рубцовой ткани, вам не нужны морщины, вам нужен коллаген, а коллаген растет без витамина С.

3. Помогает работе мозга

В витамине С нуждаются гормоны, вырабатывающие сигналы от мозга к остальным частям тела: серотонин, дофамин, адреналин и норадреналин.天然萃取維他命C推薦 Они влияют на наше настроение, память, мотивацию и чувство боли. Например, серотонин помогает организму поддерживать режим сна и является активным ингредиентом широко используемых антидепрессантов.

4. защита зрения

Все мы знаем, что витамин А полезен для зрения, но витамин С также может помочь сохранить ваши глаза здоровыми. Некоторые исследования показали, что витамин С не предотвращает возрастную макулярную дегенерацию (ВМД), но может замедлить прогрессирование заболевания. Другие исследования показали, что витамин С может помочь снизить риск развития катаракты.

5. Усиливает действие других питательных веществ

В отличие от железа, получаемого из мяса и рыбы, железо из растений усваивается труднее, но витамин С может помочь организму лучше усваивать и использовать растительное железо. Для этого необходимо хорошо сочетать эти продукты, например, одновременно есть шпинат и красный перец, фасоль и цветную капусту или овес и клубнику.

Витамин С лучше сочетается с другими антиоксидантами, особенно с витамином С и флавоноидами.

6. Противораковое средство

Очень высокие дозы витамина С, особенно при внутривенном введении в организм, могут замедлить рост и распространение раковых клеток. Он может сделать процесс химио- и радиотерапии более плавным и помочь уменьшить побочные эффекты лечения, но может и снизить его эффективность.

При недостатке витамина С в организме могут наблюдаться: усталость, опухшие или кровоточащие десны, расшатывание зубов, боли в суставах, утолщение кожи, легкое образование синяков и незаживающие раны.

В соответствии с правильным методом использования витаминов, чтобы принести больше пользы для нашей психики, поэтому в обычное время должны быть в соответствии с выше метод использования, является лучшим, различные препараты имеют различную эффективность, чтобы наше тело, чтобы принести больше помощи, но и убедиться, что наша жизнь более здоровой.


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普通の健康な人の場合、ビタミンCを定期的に経口摂取する必要がありますか? どのように補給すればよいのでしょうか?


La vitamine C ne peut pas être consommée sans discernement ; si elle est consommée en excès, elle peut facilement "provoquer" ces deux types de maladies.

If You Can't Drink Pure Alcohol,...


brandy at the same time,

People in different countries often have very different levels of威士忌 入門pirits, such as all imported foreign wines, brandy, whiskey, these high-alcohol spirits for their own people, pure wine is more difficult to swallow, so how should we drink this foreign wine is good enough to drink? Some people may say that cocktails are a great way to make drinks, but we often don't have enough ingredients at home to make one. In fact, the easiest and most convenient way is to add some soda water to wine or black or green tea.

The common types of foreign spirits in China are whiskey, brandy and vodka, as opposed to traditional Chinese liquor and good tasting cold beer. Although the pure taste of these spirits is good, if different blending methods are used, the taste of the liquor can be improved and more in line with the Asian taste.

First of all, brandy as a French specialty liquor. More research recommended way and method is to add ice or water, in our own can taste the unique taste of brandy at the same time, reduce the alcohol in brandy to the mouth stimulation, make brandy more easily lead to the entrance, and they feel that this will not be so exciting. At the same time, we can also add some cola company or Sprite or other sweet drinks to the brandy development to make the drink more easy to enter, and the Chinese flavor will not have any special problems serious impact.

Next, let's talk about whiskey, which is best served with the addition of soda water and can be used on many occasions. The smell of whiskey itself will be stronger, and if you add sparkling water, not only will it not affect the taste of the whiskey itself, but it will dilute the alcohol, but it must be mentioned here that the bubbles in the bubbles will make the body absorb the alcohol faster, so it will feel drunk very quickly, and for girls who are too drunk need to be extra careful in order to avoid accidental drunkenness.

The most suitable way to drink vodka is to mix it with fruit juice, which is a Russian specialty. It is known for its high alcohol content and extremely strong flavor. A glass of vodka can warm up the whole body, and the alcohol itself is great. We can add fruit juice to combine its flavors and make it easier to import.

Although different foreign spirits have completely different tastes for different drinks, if you don't care too much. Whether you add soda, black tea, green tea, cola sprite or juice, the taste will not be particularly bad and will definitely taste better than just drinking these drinks.

Which Business Is Best In Automo...


Which business is best in automobile?

Some of the most profitable car business ideas are:
Auto Interior Shop.
Lubrication Oil Retail Shop.
Car Wash Business.
Vehicle Licensing Brokerage Service.
Rental and Ride-Sharing Cars.
Car Accessories Store.
Automobile Repair Service.
Driving School.

What can I sell with a CNC?

Here are some kitchen and barbecue tools that can be crafted with a CNC machine:
Cutting boards. Cutting boards (sometimes called chopping blocks) are used by chefs every day, in kitchens all over the world. ...
Wooden serving utensils and bowls. ...
Coasters. ...
Kitchen wall decals. ...
Wooden serving trays. ...
Wood-mounted bottle openers.

How is Machine Shop hourly rate calculated?

In most cases, hourly machining rates are calculated like this: Divide the cost of the project by the total number of hours each machine is expected to work. This figure defines the lifespan of the machine or about 8,000 hours on average.

What can a 3 axis CNC machine do?

3-axis machines are typically used for machining of 2D and 2.5D geometry. Machining of all 6 sides of a part is possible in 3 axis machining but a new fixturing set-up is required for each side, which could be expensive (more on that below). For a single fixture setup, only one side of the part can be machined.

How is machine Shop hourly rate calculated?

(Expenses + profit) ÷ hours = shop rate

Find out what it costs to run your business, add in profit up-front, and then divide it by how much time you have.

How do you wire a CNC controller?

The forward signal is connected to the m3 / m5 output and that's what turns the spindle on and thenMore

How much power does a CNC lathe use?

The power requirement for CNC equipment is stated in KVA (Kilo Volt Amps). Okuma historically uses two voltage levels: 200 AC (alternating current) and 220 AC volts. Allowable voltage range is normally +- 10%, including voltage fluctuations resulting from load.

How much does it cost to get metal CNC?

How Much Does a CNC Machine Cost?
Hobbyist-grade CNC router $1k-3k
Entry-level (or toolroom) 3-axis vertical machining center $60k-100k
Production 3-axis vertical machining center $150k-300k
Entry-level 5-axis mill $200k-500k
Production 5-axis mill $500k+
4 more rows

What can I sell with a CNC?

Here are some kitchen and barbecue tools that can be crafted with a CNC machine:
Cutting boards. Cutting boards (sometimes called chopping blocks) are used by chefs every day, in kitchens all over the world. ...
Wooden serving utensils and bowls. ...
Coasters. ...
Kitchen wall decals. ...
Wooden serving trays. ...
Wood-mounted bottle openers.

How can I make money with a small CNC router?

Let's just start off at the bottom the first thing is why do you are you considering a cnc machineMore

cnc auto parts

The Sooner You Know These 3 Poin...



1. boiled food do not eat

We see those who are fitness gods really often in the video performance is very self-disciplined, eat boiled chicken breast, eat boiled broccoli and so on, this we should not follow suit.

First of all, if you aim to gain weight, there is no need to eat so, weight gain friends are able to consume more calories, do not need to entangle the boiled or boiled problem, every meat is over oil.

They fitness gods drink boiled food for the purpose of making their own body fat 蜂蜜, because they have reached the level of that type of pursuit of the ultimate body, like we gain weight, it does not matter if you actually grow some fat, because many thin people do not care which fat is not fat, as long as they do not let themselves look thin on the line.

Then there are many fitness gods who are playing hormones, he played hormones, then do not need to be based on the intake of fat to ensure a normal secretion of testosterone in their bodies, because playing hormones, then you can get a higher than normal metabolism of testosterone.

Therefore, there is no problem for him to eat a lighter diet and less fat in his daily diet.

But friends who want to gain weight is different, we do not play hormones, our body's testosterone secretion all by the intake of fat to achieve, so if you 代餐 food in your daily diet, the intake of fat will certainly be reduced, so in this case, your body's testosterone secretion will be reduced, which will naturally affect the growth of muscle.

2. Do not follow the rules of the muscle

What do you see in those fitness videos where the fitness gods teach others what to train?

Often the pectoral muscles are too thin, teach you how to train more muscles in the pectoral muscles, or the rear deltoid is too small, the whole shoulder is not three-dimensional, teach you how to train the rear deltoid.

Then again, the calves are too thin, teach you to train calves, or the buttocks are not round enough, teach you how to practice rounded buttocks, that the purpose of weight gain people need to practice so? Not at all.

Why do the fitness gods want to get so? It is because they have grown enough muscle volume, but also want to continue to break through, only in the muscle level of good-looking breakthrough, because their ultimate goal is to get the prize in the competition, the field of judges to pay attention to you which muscle training beautiful, or calf thick or not a kind of thick.

In fact, for everyone, will not pay attention to these details, we assess the 增肌減脂, that is, the muscle is big or not, as long as the muscle is big is beautiful.

Frankly speaking, I can't even see those people standing on the fitness stage, which muscle is beautiful and which is not, for me his muscles are the same, there is no difference, in short, they are very big.

Then we aim to gain weight, and do not want to stage events, and fitness as a hobby for people, in fact, do not care about the details of these muscles, as long as the muscle training is big enough on the line, and do not have to be particularly large and pompous, a little better than the people around on the line.

In particular, practice more pectoral muscles, back muscles, lower limb muscles, deltoid muscles and arm muscles on the line, no need to pay attention to what shape these muscles are, there is no need to consume time in the unobtrusive muscles.

3. The use of equipment should not follow suit

The third point to say is for the use of equipment.

In fact, for amateur fitness enthusiasts, as long as the practice of dumbbells and dumbbells on the line, the rest of what is like equipment that type of fixed equipment simply can not be used, with that equipment will in turn reduce your rate of effect.

Then someone may say why look at those fitness gods are often sitting on fixed equipment training it? That is because the intensity of their training is very high.

When we sit on fixed equipment training will certainly have this feeling, is that you sit on the top of that type of training very comfortable, you do not have to spend a lot of energy, as long as the muscles on the line, this is compared to dumbbell practice and dumbbell practice comfortable much.

Is Electric Drill A Power Tool?


Is electric drill a power tool?

Power Tools - Disadvantages One of the primary disadvantages associated with power tools is that they are more complex than hand tools. The drive mechanisms, engines, gears, power connections and other components of power tools wear out and fail over time.

What is power tools safety?

Power tools are usually motor-driven and designated as electrical, battery-powered, hydraulic, or pneumatic. Here are some examples of pneumatic power tools: Drills.

What is the difference between power tools and equipment?

There are several types of portable power tools, based on the power source they use: electric, pneumatic, liquid fuel, hydraulic, explosive-actuated, and powder-actuated.

What are the 7 key principles when using power tools?

Hydraulic tools are high-powered tools that use pressurized fluid to operate hydraulic machinery. The fluid moves through hydraulic tubes and into the tool's actuator, where the pressure stored in the fluid is transferred to the machine's moving parts.

What are the disadvantage of power tools?

1895: the birth of the first modern power tool German company C&E Fein is credited with inventing the modern power tool when it combined the power of an electric motor with a manual drill to create a new type of drill that revolutionized the industry.

What are the four classes of power tools?

A power drill is a tool with an electrical motor that rotates a replaceable drill bit at your choice of speeds to create a hole in a variety of materials. The drill can also take screwdriver bits, to allow easier driving of screws through different materials.

What are the main types of portable power tools?

The standard 5-in-1 painter's tool features a stainless steel blade that is detailed to function as a putty knife, a scraper, a gouger, a paint roller cleaner, and a paint can opener all packed into one multi-faceted device.

What are hydraulic tools?

If tool tracking, inventory, and tool control top your list, Milwaukee handily wins this area, though DeWalt continues to improve. When comparing DeWalt brushless vs Milwaukee brushless tools, both employ smart electronics to better control the speed and power of their tools while cutting, drilling, driving, or sawing.

How do you use power tools?

The most trusted power tool brands, in order, were Dewalt, Craftsman, Milwaukee, Makita, Bosch, Stanley, Black+Decker, Ryobi, Kobalt, Hitachi, Ridgid, Husky, and Irwin. Dewalt received the best reviews and trust ratings among the most popular power tool brands as judged by consumers.

Who invented power tools?

Yes, Craftsman and DeWalt are Owned by Stanley Black & Decker. Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) turned heads when it bought Craftsman Tools in 2017 after Sears closed 235 stores in 2015. The company owns many brands, however.

What Is Credit Card Processing M...


Is authorize net a merchant service provider?

Authorize.net resellers can answer your payment service questions, provide quotes, and set you up with an integrated merchant account and payment gateway account.

What is credit card processing merchant services?

Merchant services, often labeled credit card processing, is the handling of electronic payment transactions. merchant service provider They're generally run through an account that a merchant sets up to facilitate credit card processing.

Where do merchants work?

Historically, the merchant class was responsible for the creation of a middle class between peasants and the nobility. In modern times, merchants are most often the proprietors of establishments ranging in size from small shops to multinational chain stores, including commerce websites.

Is merchant account same as bank account?

A merchant account is a special type of business bank account that allows you to securely accept credit, debit, and other electronic payments. It acts as an intermediary between your business and the individual card-issuing banks that offer your customers the credit or debit cards they use to make purchases.

What are different types of payment gateways?

Three Types of Payment GatewaysHosted payment gateways.Self-hosted payment gateways.API hosted payment gateways.Conclusion.

What is a gateway service?

Gateway Service means a data communication service (including but not limited to an Application Programming Interface (API)), that facilitates the transmission of requests for, and retrieval of PDMP data.

Is PayPal a payment processor?

The PayPal Commerce Platform gives you a payment gateway and payment processor all in one, making it simple to start selling. There are no set-up or monthly fees for PayPal Commerce Platform.

What is required for a merchant account?

A merchant account usually requires an agreement between the merchant and the acquiring bank (the financial institution that processes the credit and debit card payments for the merchant) and any other parties involved in processing payments such as a payment processor, an independent sales organization (ISO), and/or a .

Children's Pit And Fissure Seali...


With the improvement of our living standards, the prevalence of dental caries in young children is gradually increasing, and it has been listed by the World Health Organization as one of the three major diseases to be prevented in the world.Why are children so vulnerable to tooth decay?The incidence of tooth decay has a certain relationship with age. From one or two years old, the child's deciduous molars have already slowly grown, and the deciduous molars are used every day when biting ingredients. The newly grown deciduous molars and young new teeth have the characteristics of deep and narrow pits and fissures on the occlusal surface of the teeth, which can cause food to stay; the appearance and physiological gaps of deciduous teeth are also easy to hold food, resulting in unclean areas. . In addition, the thickness of deciduous teeth and young teeth is very low, and the acid-suppressing ability is weak; while children's nutrition is more commonly found in food materials with high soft plastic sugar, strong consistency, easy to produce alcohol and acid, and stick to the tooth surface and teeth The pits and fissures on the occlusal surface are not easy to clear. At the same time, because of their young age, many children do not brush their teeth at night or do not brush their teeth well. In addition, they sleep for a long time, and the saliva secretion decreases during sleep quality, resulting in a weaker cleaning ability. 

The above characteristics are all for the growth of bacteria. Development brings resource advantages, which in turn increase the chance of caries.Pit and fissure sealing in children is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay.Tooth decay not only harms the occlusion, but also harms the appearance and appearance, and can cause periodontitis, root inflammation and even become diseases, endangering physical and mental health. The best preventive measure is to take the child to the hospital for preventive treatment of children's pit and fissure sealing caries. Children's pit and fissure sealing is very important for the protection of "six-year-old teeth". The sixth-year-old tooth is a permanent molar tooth that emerges around the final front and back of the deciduous molars around the age of a child. This deciduous tooth will not be replaced after the replacement of the deciduous tooth. It has a particularly important effect on the occlusion of the permanent dentition. Because of the early growth time, many parents mistakenly think that they are deciduous teeth and ignore them; coupled with the deep pits and fissures on the occlusal surface of their teeth, it is very easy to produce caries. "Six-year-old teeth" are the most prone to deep caries within a year after they grow. Director Wang suggested that the sooner the children's pits and fissures are closed, the better. When the child is 10 years old, parents should take the baby to a reliable dental hospital for inspection. , it is clear whether it should be done in children's pit and fissure sealing. If the "children's pit and fissure sealing" is done within one year after the children's molars grow (the first permanent molars grow around the age of 2 and the second permanent molars grow around the age), the actual effect of preventing dental caries is the best. If carious lesions have occurred, "children's pit and fissure sealing" is meaningless, and filling treatment is necessary at this time.

Children's pits and fissures are closed, and the public's understanding still needs to be improved.With the improvement of our living standards, many people have long cared about and attached great importance to dental health. Pit and fissure sealing in children can effectively prevent tooth decay, which is extremely important for preventing tooth decay in young children. Although some parents will actively take their children to the outpatient clinic of a technical professional hospital for inspection on time, and can understand the necessity of performing pit and fissure sealing for their children as soon as possible, many parents do not know what is a children's pit and fissure sealing, and how to do it or not. The adverse effects of pit and fissure sealing in children are likely to cause dental caries at the same time. Director Wang introduced in detail that most parents only bring preschool children to carry out pit and fissure sealing on six-year-old teeth, and very few people realize that it is necessary to maintain deciduous teeth. In fact, whether it is a deciduous tooth or a new tooth, dentist in hong kong out pit and fissure sealing in children who have the conditions. At the age of three or four, a child's pit and fissure sealing is performed to solve the child's deciduous molars; after the first permanent molar replacement of the deciduous teeth at the age of six, it is done again; at the age of twelve, the newly grown permanent molars are done again. Director Wang reminded that after the pit and fissure sealing of children, they should go to a large hospital for a follow-up visit every year. In addition, it is suggested that parents should still supervise their children to do the following: brush teeth sooner or later, carry out oral health care on time, and eat less desserts and sugary drinks.Professional knowledge of children's pit and fissure sealing,What is Pit and Fissure Sealing in Children? 

Pit and fissure sealing means that the occlusal surface of the teeth is not damaged. After cleaning, a layer of adhesive epoxy resin is applied to the closed pit and fissure to create a defensive natural barrier to prevent bacteria and food residues from entering the socket. At the same time, the original bacteria in the pit and fissure will slowly die due to the determination of nutritional components, and the enamel will not be corroded by bacteria and residual materials, improve the ability of teeth to resist caries, and prevent the occurrence of pit and fissure caries. To stop the development trend of initial caries lesions, and then achieve the purpose of preventing caries.Is the pit and fissure sealing in children painful? There is no pain in children's pit and fissure sealing. When children's pit and fissure is sealed, use a small soft brush like a sonic electric toothbrush to clean the tooth surface.Will there be tooth decay after the children's pit and fissure sealing? It is generally not easy, because the caries of young children occurs in the pit and fissure, if this position is prevented, it is basically impossible to occur. However, because of the cooperation between children and children, whether there is pollution of the saliva source in the operation process, there will be very few cases of falling off. Therefore, children should be followed up within more than half a year after the pit and fissures are closed. After that, they should be checked once a year. If it falls off, it must be done again.

Air Quality Inspection: How To I...


In recent years, everyone's awareness of lg puricare air purifier protection has slowly increased, and we are increasingly concerned about air quality, but what can we do to improve the ambient air quality?

In the present situation, it seems that environmental pollution is mostly caused by human factors, exhaust emissions, organic waste gas emissions from manufacturing plants, heating the common use of coal, etc. are environmental pollution of indoor air, in response to the increasingly lower air quality, it is important to take appropriate measures to deal with.

1. Environmental testing and analysis

Harmful and toxic chemical substances emitted into the air will lead to environmental hazards, in other words, environmental pollution is caused by harmful substances, so we can analyze the environmental pollution chemicals in the air according to environmental testing, detect the origin of environmental pollution chemicals and their concentration values, so as to clearly propose detailed countermeasures to deal with the actual problem.

2. Manipulate pollutants and reduce pollutant emissions

The occurrence of air pollutants is closely related to people's production and manufacturing life, and the waste materials emitted in production and life are the key source of environmental pollution. Therefore, the prevention of environmental pollution needs to start from everyone's production and life, to carry out reasonable and effective manipulation of pollutants, without endangering the normal production and life to minimize the emission of pollutants.

3. Strengthen environmental laws and establish perfect legal norms

The prevention of environmental pollution of air environment can not just rely on the active personal behavior of the whole society, but mainly on the laws and regulations to carry out the standard, according to the legal effect of regulations to promote the protection of air environment in the work. In China's environmental audit, the latest laws and regulations are not sound is the main element that hinders in our country's air environment maintenance. Therefore, the legislature should strengthen the environmental law work, in the process of environmental law operation need to carry out further environmental research, clear and reasonable legal basis, and at the same time use the wisdom of the relevant authority figures, so that they participate in the legal work to contribute to ensure the reasonableness of the relevant environmental maintenance law provisions, to prevent the limits of the law and regulations are excessively lax, and at the same time to avoid the emergence of The heart of the fluke.

4. Develop and design green energy and reduce the use of fossil fuels

Fossil fuels hold a key influence in China's energy structure, and their ignition is an effective way to cause air pollutants. Thus, the prevention of environmental pollution should also start from the level of improvement of energy mix. In order to better reduce the use of fossil fuels such as coal and crude oil, it is important to develop electric energy and increase the proportion of green energy such as water, wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal power in China's energy mix to reduce the proportion of fossil fuels. For the technically perfect electric energy such as solar energy, wind energy, water energy, etc. should carry out vigorous marketing promotion, according to the advantages of different regions of electric energy to carry out scientific and reasonable rational layout.

From Friday Through


The best travel deals and discounts for Cyber Monday and Black Friday

to Cyber Monday, British Airways has a big range of offers, including new routes for 2018. Deals include Nashville from £499 return, Dubai from £399 return and Singapore from £479 return. It is also offering European city breaks from £99pp for travel before 30 March.
• ba.com/blackfriday

The Canadian operator is offering £150pp off holidays costing over £999. The Black Friday deal includes trips such as a 12-day Vancouver and Alaska cruise, down to £1,476, including flights. The offer is available on holidays booked over the Black Friday weekend, concluding at 9pm on Sunday 26 November. Quote BLACK FRIDAY when making a reservation.
• canadianaffair.com

A big discount is available on peak-season holidays with Ocean Florida, which is offering a seven-night trip including flights from Heathrow on 21 August for just £359pp, down from £799. The price is based on four sharing at Orlando’s four-star Avanti Resort Hotel. The sale goes live at 9am GMT on Friday.
• ocean-florida.co.uk or call 020-3816 0977

Some incredibly low fares will be on offer from Air New Zealand, with deals going live from 9am GMT Friday. These include returns from London to Los Angeles from £175 and returns from London to Auckland from £399. Deals are expected to sell out within minutes.
• airnewzealand.co.uk

Get 50% off a break to St Lucia when you book a stay at the Marigot Bay Resort and Marina. This means double rooms for as little as £102 a night. Bookings must be made before Monday 27 November for travel until 30 March.
• marigotbayresort.com

Save up to £300 per couple on a seven-night getaway to Langkawi, Malaysia, staying at the four-star Berjaya Langkawi on selected dates in May and June. Prices start from £739pp including flights from Heathrow and must be booked by 30 November

Customers making bookings on a range of Thomas Cook and Airtours package holidays between 17-28 November can save £200 when they spend £1,000 or more. The offer includes Thomas Cook’s own-brand hotels – Sunwing, Sunprime, Sentido, Smartline, SunConnect and Casa Cook – in destinations including Greece, Spain and Turkey. Customers must enter promotional code BF200 on the payment page on the Thomas Cook website and book via the “Holidays” tab.
• thomascook.com

Short-break specialist Super Break has a range of Black Friday deals with up to 40% off selected trips booked on Friday. These include two nights in Paris from £133pp, travelling by Eurostar from London on 23 March and staying at the Mister Bed hotel in Bagnolet, just east of the centre.
• superbreak.com

Until Sunday (26 November) Bmi regional has flight bargains including Bristol to Paris from £70 one way, Stansted to Derry from £46 one way and Southampton to Munich from £74 one way.
• flybmi.com

The north sea ferry service is offeringup to 25% off crossings from Harwich to the Hook of Holland, for anyone thinking of a last-minute trip to the Netherlands. The dealruns until Cyber Monday and is valid for travel until 31 December.
• stenaline.co.uk

Stay a week at the five-star 9 Muses on Santorini from £439pp (based on two sharing) with Olympic Holidays. This works out as a discount of £225pp and includes breakfast and flights from Gatwick on 15 May, and must be booked by Sunday.
• olympicholidays.com


The budget airline is already halfway through its Black Friday sale, which runs until 26 November for flights departing between December and June. This includes flights to Copenhagen from Luton from £9.99 one way and flights to Ibiza from Glasgow from £19.99 one way.
• ryanair.com

Prices on 250,000 first- and standard-class tickets will be cut by up to 52% between now and Monday (27 November). They include London to Manchester for £11 and London to Glasgow for £18.
• virgintrains.com

There are discounts of up to 50% on hotel rooms from Black Friday (or Purple Friday, as Laterooms is calling it) to Cyber Monday. It’s a good chance to get a UK city break sorted, with big savings on hotels in Edinburgh, London and Cambridge.
• laterooms.com

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Mountaineering Experience



Mountaineering experience
For several years of mountain, tour pal alternate crop after that, together with the original mountain tour pal rarely seen in the mountain in the link, I am in the process of mountain climbing, side side miss my first tour pal, they now where I do not know, is very miss ah, together with the original animated the scene is not reproduction, the tour pal from all walks of life to talk to each other with their work, life reenex, and their own business and so on, mountain climbing today, heard the new tour pal are riding the original, because of the weather changed to climb the mountain, they also have their own group, are unfamiliar faces, I really didn't want to disturb their environment, I just missed my first, suddenly felt a sadness in my heart, look up at the sky, facing the mountain shouting ramble in one's statement discourse, in the mountains echoed, the grass on the hill seemed to understand my feeling, in this just entered the winter season, also have quietly sympathize with me, lost the beautiful face. I have no mood to enjoy the mountains vigorous and tall, listening to the new tour pal while walking with a wonderful fashion with the passion of music, my heart surging, noon, The rosy clouds are slowly rising. 10000 golden bloom. I walk in the sunshine on the gravel path, the feeling back get some wet feeling. So, I quickly walked to shade the walk. When some nameless vegetation for my shelter from the sun, the heart will feel cool. Standing on a mountain high bare, the sun there is no summer sinister.
Mountain or the mountain, tree or the tree. Want to watch people will naturally rise. People are like mountains and green mountains, on a hill, the morning mist, fog like fairyland slightly, into the clean environment, natural broad quiet interest, mind worry suddenly disappeared, you can remove a lot of impetuous. With a strong smell of hay on the path, was at the foot of the soft earth. Nature makes people feel more comfortable, artificial creation again beautiful, always give a person a kind of delicate apply mechanically.
Canyon quiet it is indulge in pleasures without stop place, standing on the summit sidelines of distant mountains. The layers of endless mountains stretch as far as eye can see, could not help but sigh magic the allure and charm of nature. Mountain climbing is a leisure sport, is also a kind of will and the test trials, is also a kind of self-cultivation and self perception, the release of a pleasant mood.
At present, people living in the real society, always love to tell some lives too fast, learning pressure, much to the annoyance of issues such as work. Friends, don't say on a hill can breathe fresh air, many other benefits of exercise, is to reduce our single objective existence of these troubles and pressure, you should often go to travel over land and water in the outer suburbs, kiss the nature of its mother's arms at the same time, release your own mind and body are reenex好唔好.
One writer said: "when we travel in the vast world of mortals, depression and inextricably bogged down in the mire in, suddenly look back, only to find true happiness is in origin, and now we are convinced it farther in the distance! To draw the happiness of their bottom line the most shallow, we only eat from the most ordinary days, the most trivial things to the taste of happiness." Friend, when you truly in the nature of the mountains embrace, a taste of the many deep mountain world tour, will understand "a quiet side of road, we didn't mountain" elegance, and will be more like the dawn time, early morning out on foot over the castle did not walk the old, to enjoy the first embrace the Tequila Sunrise joy. Only this time, you will feel it is one of the happiest people in the world.
Happiness is a feeling, happiness is also a kind of spiritual experience. The world's happiness is rich and colorful, colorful life happiness, only yourself as much as possible to put aside the troubles of the world to experience. Mountain or the mountain, water or the water, different people with different mood to go on a tour of the same mountains, the result is not the same experience.
In the city, hear only the voice of the roaring sound of heavy traffic and various kinds of noises, the heart feel very upset. When we entered the water rushing mountain, listen to the natural spring water roaring passion, ornamental exhale gurgling water, feel the flow of the depths of the mountains spring Ding Dong sound natural phonology, this is how happy ah! Visit the city's heavy traffic on the street, saw is full of be in a hurry to depart the footsteps, as if the earthly in total have what magic in urging us to accelerate the pace of their own, so as not to fall behind others.
Wandering in the mountains and beautiful scenery, eyeful is elegant and graceful figure stands quietly, as we walked into the quiet reading room, his walking pace will naturally slow down, voice to a minimum, so as not to damage the good atmosphere of elegant quiet learning environment. You in the mountains, go more slowly, the more able to comprehend Oyama Hirohiroshizu's feelings, as well as the fresh and moist air, a strength to your body drill.
Into the mountain gully, a quality suggestive of poetry or painting inspiration can arise, walk through the mountain trail, roar out a song passion will bloom. Wandering in the nature kingdoms, and enjoy a pure moist feeling of happiness. When I inadvertently will own climbing journey feeling down, which is not good at writing themselves were be startled at ordinary life, the original mountain



For several years of mountain, tour pal alternate crop after that, together with the original mountain tour pal rarely seen in the mountain in the link, I am in the process of mountain climbing, side side miss my first tour pal, they now where I do not know, is very miss ah, together with the original animated the scene is not reproduction, the tour pal from all walks of life to talk to each other with their work, life, and their own business and so on, mountain climbing today, heard the new tour pal are riding the original, because of the weather changed to climb the mountain, they also have their own group, are unfamiliar faces, I really didn't want to disturb their environment, I just missed my first, suddenly felt a sadness in my heart, look up at the sky, facing the mountain shouting ramble in one's statement discourse, in the mountains echoed, the grass on the hill seemed to understand my feeling, in this just entered the winter season, also have quietly sympathize with me, lost the beautiful face. I have no mood to enjoy the mountains vigorous and tall, listening to the new tour pal while walking with a wonderful fashion with the passion of music, my heart surging, noon, The rosy clouds are slowly rising. 10000 golden bloom. I walk in the sunshine on the gravel path, the feeling back get some wet feeling. So, I quickly walked to shade the walk. When some nameless vegetation for my shelter from the sun, the heart will feel cool. Standing on a mountain high bare, the sun there is no summer sinister.


Mountain or the mountain, tree or the tree. Want to watch people will naturally rise. People are like mountains and green mountains, on a hill, the morning mist, fog like fairyland slightly, into the clean environment, natural broad quiet interest, mind worry suddenly disappeared, you can remove a lot of impetuous. With a strong smell of hay on the path, was at the foot of the soft earth. Nature makes people feel more comfortable, artificial creation again beautiful, always give a person a kind of delicate apply mechanically.


Canyon quiet it is indulge in pleasures without stop place, standing on the summit sidelines of distant mountains. The layers of endless mountains stretch as far as eye can see, could not help but sigh magic the allure and charm of nature. Mountain climbing is a leisure sport, is also a kind of will and the test trials, is also a kind of self-cultivation and self perception, the release of a pleasant mood.


At present, people living in the real society, always love to tell some lives too fast, learning pressure, much to the annoyance of issues such as work. Friends, don't say on a hill can breathe fresh air, many other benefits of exercise, is to reduce our single objective existence of these troubles and pressure, you should often go to travel over land and water in the outer suburbs, kiss the nature of its mother's arms at the same time, release your own mind and body are.


One writer said: "when we travel in the vast world of mortals, depression and inextricably bogged down in the mire in, suddenly look back, only to find true happiness is in origin, and now we are convinced it farther in the distance! To draw the happiness of their bottom line the most shallow, we only eat from the most ordinary days, the most trivial things to the taste of happiness." Friend, when you truly in the nature of the mountains embrace, a taste of the many deep mountain world tour, will understand "a quiet side of road, we didn't mountain" elegance, and will be more like the dawn time, early morning out on foot over the castle did not walk the old, to enjoy the first embrace the Tequila Sunrise joy. Only this time, you will feel it is one of the happiest people in the world reenex hongkong.


Happiness is a feeling, happiness is also a kind of spiritual experience. The world's happiness is rich and colorful, colorful life happiness, only yourself as much as possible to put aside the troubles of the world to experience. Mountain or the mountain, water or the water, different people with different mood to go on a tour of the same mountains, the result is not the same experience.


In the city, hear only the voice of the roaring sound of heavy traffic and various kinds of noises, the heart feel very upset. When we entered the water rushing mountain, listen to the natural spring water roaring passion, ornamental exhale gurgling water, feel the flow of the depths of the mountains spring Ding Dong sound natural phonology, this is how happy ah! Visit the city's heavy traffic on the street, saw is full of be in a hurry to depart the footsteps, as if the earthly in total have what magic in urging us to accelerate the pace of their own, so as not to fall behind others.


Wandering in the mountains and beautiful scenery, eyeful is elegant and graceful figure stands quietly, as we walked into the quiet reading room, his walking pace will naturally slow down, voice to a minimum, so as not to damage the good atmosphere of elegant quiet learning environment. You in the mountains, go more slowly, the more able to comprehend Oyama Hirohiroshizu's feelings, as well as the fresh and moist air, a strength to your body drill.


Into the mountain gully, a quality suggestive of poetry or painting inspiration can arise, walk through the mountain trail, roar out a song passion will bloom. Wandering in the nature kingdoms, and enjoy a pure moist feeling of happiness. When I inadvertently will own climbing journey feeling down, which is not good at writing themselves were be startled at ordinary life, the original mountain