ThemeTrends and prospects in corporate governance, risk and control/compliance.
Conference: «December debates 2020. Paradigm shift: corporate culture, control and audit in the new reality»
Date: December 16, 2020
Structure: GRC (corporate governance, risk, control/compliance) trends, prospects and forecasts for 2021-2025. Структура: Тренды и прогнозы в области GRC (корпоративное управление, риски, контроль/комплаенс) на 2021-2025 гг.
  • Impact of innovation, regulatory transformation and its impact on GRC development;
  • Reasons and perspectives of GRC development digital agenda;
  • Development of distributed labor economy and the impact on GRC professions;
  • The importance of the anti-crisis role of internal audit and risk management in the current situation.