Now in English! yeeh

Well, every person has a film or serial that influenced on him/her. It`s important. So much, believe me! All your previous views, interests, opinions , even  life, have changed. And your feel yourself like a new man. And it`s crasy. Such a serial could change you, but people or friends couldn`t. And your begin to feel and live by this serial, his heroes . You begin to have an ideals. Or personality that you want to be. It is new, strange fellings. And your don`t understand if how your had been living without it before! BUT, except all, you know that you love this serial and it`s your the best and favourite serial, and you will always love it, because it`s yours, only. You found your soul and, may be, yourself due to this simple , ordinary for someone, but you, serial! It`s amazing feeling and I like it. Hope you to understand me.